Perhaps strange, but I never actually met Gareth. Every year however, for the past ten years now, I lead several leadership development workshops based on his amazing work (the one famous article but the many other wonderful works he has produced - my own favorite is the one on managing authenticity, way ahead of its time, this article talked about things that now, 16 years later, we see the first academic research confirming these ideas - truly visionary - his work inspired 10 years of my research on the topic). His name is an automacy for me. So you can imagine my surprise when I finally met his daughter Gemma in one of my very own classes! I am afraid I acted a little bit like a groupie at that time, asking Gemma anything and everything about her dad (-: The stories I enjoyed the most were not necessarily those of his academic/career exploits but the ones where he was fundamentally human - a loving, caring and supporting father. It was great to see how he practiced what he preached and the see the results of his leadership - a wonderful, thoughtful, passionate daughter. And that is when I realized most profoundly why anyone would be glad to have been led by Gareth. I never met Gareth but I got to know his amazing daughter.