Elizabeth 20th January 2021

I remember the first time I met Gareth like it was yesterday. Back in 2005, when 'Why Should Anyone Be Led By You?' was just about to publish, I was called to a ‘book’ meeting at London Business School to meet with Gareth and his co-author, Rob Goffee. As a junior marketing manager, I was pretty scared about meeting a host of London Business School marketing professionals but especially the authors, Rob & Gareth. But when the receptionist walking me to the room, said ‘Ah, Gareth Jones & Rob Goffee, my favourite Professors. They treat everyone like family, but I wouldn’t want to play them at trivial pursuit!’ that immediately put me at ease. That meeting then led to the most incredible journey. Gareth & Rob went on to publish 3 best-selling books, write 6 Harvard Business Review articles, and hosted numerous business events over the years. Some of my proudest career moments involve Gareth & Rob which I will treasure forever. I feel so privileged to have known Gareth. He made time for everyone and he truly cared. He was the smartest person in the room, a true inspiration but at the same time, a real person. He would call out of the blue just to say hello or invite everyone for drinks after an event. His laugh, wit and stories would light up a room. He was a colleague, a mentor but above all, a dear friend. I remember when I’d been diagnosed with an illness, he called ‘a friend’ - who just happened to be the CEO of a large pharmaceutical - to ask 'a few questions’ about my new drug. That’s just what he did. Gareth touched so many lives and I feel blessed to have known him. He will be sorely missed. Sending lots of love to his family who he loved so dearly xx Liz