Jackie 22nd January 2021

Dear Gar My thoughts and memories of you are many and writing this has been harder than I could ever have imagined! You are the cleverest person I have ever met but you were so much more. your kindness and generosity of time will stay with me forever. Your genuine love for and of people are reflected in so many of the tributes here. You were hard working for yourself, but more importantly for others and had such a drive to help others achieve their true potential - you had great faith in me and encouraged me to believe in myself and my abilities, and I will always be grateful for your subtle mentorship and many words of encouragement. As Families we have so many wonderful memories of fun and laughter together, of BBQ's and parties, nights out and many evenings of great wines, great music and lots of dancing - I will never forget you attempt to teach us all to appreciate Jazz! All these wonderful memories are so precious and will guide us through the dark days, especial your smile, your cheeky glint in your eye and your unique giggle. Thank you for being such a good friend and thank you for taking us all into your heart. We, together with so many others, are so lucky to have known you and all our thoughts are with Shirl, Rhi Rhi, Gemma and Rob xxxx