From France... with love

Created by Félicie 4 years ago

When Dave Padfield told me, in 1995, that he had found a FAMILY in London for me, I wasn't expecting his words to be so true.

25 years later, I understand they were as I feel like someone who has lost a member of their family...

I arrived in Muswell Hill to take care of two little blond sweeties over the summer, then I came back again... and again, ending up in spending a whole year with you and what a year! The family was now couting a new little face: my Robbie! And from that moment on, I became your Féloche.

I was officially your "au-pair" but I never felt like one. Of course, I used to iron your shirts, clear up after Shirl had cooked her delicious spaghetto bolognese (by the way Shirl, I alaways put a teabag in when I cook them myself now), pick up your shoes, socks and other things round the house and also helped you with your French (which,  I must admit, got way better after a pint or 2)

But I became part of your family.

And so did my friends. What a great time we had with Marie, Cécile, Nolwenn... (I now realize how many French girls you met thanks to me. And I could add Ann'So of course, and Estella, Magali...). When Christmas came, you would take me to the restauyrant with them, they would come over for the weekend and you even found them both a job in London) How generous and kind this was! And this meant a lot to me, especially being far from home.

I remember sharing a glass of wine with you in the front room at 27 Leaside Avenue, tasting a nice curry, waking up on Sunday mornings (after a late night out) with the smell of bacon and sausages,  spending time with you in your beautiful garden, going to the pub with you and being there for you and Shirl after a day at GOS. So many memories...

And I was only a teenager... so not really interested in politics, football ("Come on you Spurs!!!"), leadership, not a heavy drinker (yet!) but we would regularly drink to the "entente cordiale" I can still hear you say it with your wonderful accent)

But we had so many conversations though. My English improved butnot only... you really had a huge impact on my life. That I realized later on.

We kept in touch and you didn't change over the years. I last visited you in Brighton 5 years ago and you lety Micka and Valentin. How important this was to me! We had planned to come after the lockdown with Gabriel...

I would talk about the time we spent together for hours but uou can't imagien how difficult it is for me today.. and it's even more difficult to expresss my feelings in English so I'll end this tribute in French (you'll have to ask Shirl for a bit of help for the translation)


Ce qui vient de se passer me parait irréel. Pas toi, ce n'est pas possible. J'ai tellement de chagrin et , en même temps je suis si fière de t'avoir rencontré. Depuis 3 jours, je regarde les photos et j'évoque mes souvenirs avec toutes celles et ceux qui t'ont connu, ici, en France. Je te fais une promesse: dans les moments difficiles, j'essaierai de m'inspirer de tout ce que tu m'as appris. Quelle chance j'ai eue de croiser ton chemin, votre chemin... celui de Shirl, Rhi Rhi, Gem et Robbie. Tu disparais aujourd'hui mais tu laisses une famille formidable derrière toi... "My London family".

Your Féloche


PS: Is anybody in charge of watering your hanging baskets or do I have to come over from France?

