I have read all the wonderful tributes to Gareth- the business man , the leader, the friend, but most important is Gareth the family man
My tribute goes way back to Number 33
I count myself incredibly honoured to be born a Jones.
Gareth along with Glennie were my older cousins. Family was always important to us from an early age and we have always been close
I remember staying at Gareths family home when I was about 7 years old, whilst my Mum was in hospital. My lasting memory is Ga trying to get me to go to sleep with a story about :The Sandman : To this day I dont know if it was a fairytale or a threat!
Growing up consisted of family get togethers, and I was often found at Number 33 .We holidayed in Pembrokeshire and I know Gareth was as proud of his roots as I am
We kept in touch as we reached adulthood, I always looked forward to seeeing him when he, along with Shirley, Rhian, Gemma and Robbie came back to Cardiff
The first time Gareth met my husband was at a New Years Eve party we had,and Gareth, slightly inebriated called in. Steve was dressed up as a woman, perfect make up, fishnet stockings and a full beard. Gareth didnt bat an eyelid, shook his hand and chatted away as if this was a perfectly normal introduction.
Many years later, Steve needed a character reference which Gareth immediately provided.
Very recently I celebrated a significant birthday and was thrilled that all my family travelled to Cardiff to help me celebrate
Our children are now all grown up, with children of their own, but still keep in touch with each other, and so the family circle will never be broken
My heart goes out to everybody that had the priviledge of knowing My Cousin Gareth
Nos da. Gorffwyswch mewn heddwch xx