A huge jazz fan

Created by JEREMY 3 years ago

For me Gareth was an inspiration. Someone that I admired on many levels, a privilege and a pleasure to serve as a client and great joy to be with as a friend.

Gareth was a huge music fan of many genres and going to concerts was one of his many sociable pleasures.

I met Gareth at the BBC. He took me into a wood panelled board room and switched on the stereo to play Miles Davis’s Kind of Blue. To which of course I said ‘that’s Kind Of Blue!’ He was delighted I recognised it and so started a business relationship and friendship which would lead to us sharing concerts with the best jazz musicians in the world over a twenty year period.

Gareth had a deep connection with Kind of Blue, without doubt the greatest jazz recording of all time. He enjoyed it not only as music but as a source of academic study. As Quincy Jones once said, Kind of Blue is like the bible and should be listened to every day.

Sharing a concert with Gareth was truly special for me . There are only a handful of people I’ve ever known in my life that share a passion for jazz music as completely. I remember getting tickets for upcoming genius bands and being so excited by how much he would enjoy them. And he did! We would come out of some concerts halls and Gareth would be so blown away he could hardly speak!

A great man in every respect. Truly a sad loss.

Rest In Peace


Jeremy Kaye